
Showing posts from August, 2023

Simply Practicing Patience

The Simplicity Lifestyle    Simply Practicing Patience  Patience is a crucial virtue that can contribute immensely to our personal and professional success. It involves the ability to remain calm, composed, and persistent when things do not happen as quickly as we want them to. Delayed gratification is an essential component of patience, and it simply means postponing immediate rewards and benefits in favor of long-term gains. Cultivating patience and delayed gratification can help us improve our decision-making abilities, boost our resilience, and ultimately lead to better outcomes in life. The benefits of patience and delayed gratification manifest in various areas of our lives. In our personal lives, it helps us build better relationships, improves our emotional intelligence, and facilitates empathy. In our professional lives, it helps us develop stronger leadership qualities, increases our productivity and performance, and fosters creativity and innovation. Here are five ways

Simply Designing A Life That Our Future Selves Will Be Proud Of

  The Simplicity Lifestyle  Simply Designing A Life That Our Future Selves Will Be Proud Of As we go about our daily lives, it is essential that we take a step back to reflect on the kind of lifestyle we want to lead. A life that is not designed often leads to dissatisfaction, a feeling of unfulfillment and ultimately, a lack of purpose. This is where Lifestyle Design comes in, as it involves intentional planning and decision-making to create a life that aligns with one’s values, goals, and aspirations. Lifestyle Design is not just a buzzword; it’s a way of life that enables individuals to take charge of their lives and live a fulfilling and satisfying life. The concept places emphasis on the choices we make and the paths we take towards achieving our dreams and aspirations. In essence, Lifestyle Design is about creating a roadmap to the kind of life we want to lead, and ensuring that our actions align with our goals. In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to get caught up in the rat

Simply Living A Mission Based Lifestyle

The Simplicity Lifestyle  Simply Living A Mission Based Lifestyle  Living a mission-based life involves living with purpose and intention. It is about finding your true calling and dedicating yourself to fulfilling that mission. A mission-based life provides a deeper sense of fulfilment and allows you to make a positive impact on the world. To lead a mission-based lifestyle, it is essential to focus on the following five ways: 1. Identify your mission - Every individual has a unique purpose in life. Start by identifying why you were put on this earth and what your mission is. Reflect on your values, passions, skills, and talents. Ask yourself, "What difference do I want to make in the world?".   (My mission is to help people, myself included, become self actualized individuals  that our future selves will be proud of.) 2. Set goals - Once you have identified your mission, set specific, measurable, and achievable goals that support your mission. Break down these goals into ach